In the Fall, when we shut down the garden, I pour a bottle of cheap vodka into the buried water line to the garden, to keep it from freezing.
And in the Spring, when we fire up the garden, I purge the line and spray vodka everywhere.
And I take a ceremonial sip.
Aaaahh. Springtime.
I got a pair of pruning shears for my birthday, and neither of us could figure out how to unlock them. The directions were no help, and when we finally got it open, I felt pretty stupid about it.
Then I decided that it musta’ been factory-frozen in the first place.
I’m not as good at math as I used to be.
I’ve been working out the kinematics for my new robot, and I keep screwing it up. After too much trig and too many subscripts, I glaze over and my mind wanders. (It never used to do this.) What should have been an afternoon of work turned into ten days of bad algebra before I finally got it right.
I was starting to think that math only works in theory.
We were sitting on the porch, having coffee.
It was dry and calm and warm and overcast, and the air was full of white fluffy things, drifting north across the yard. What were they, we wondered?
A big one floated into the yard, and we both watched it. It took a hard left in an eddy near the garage and drifted up the stairs onto the porch. It whooshed up to the ceiling and then took a good 15 seconds looping the loop on the way down, and it landed on my lap.
It was straight out of Forrest Gump.
It turned out they were seed pods.
I’m still remodelling the bathroom. It’s taking me forever.
We’re upgrading our toilet, and moving the one we’ve got downstairs, so I had two installations to do. I rummaged through my boxes of plumbing supplies, and I came up with two brand new wax ring seals, and I felt pretty good about it. You know – Save the planet and all that. But when it finally came time to put the new toilet in, the anchor screws were “not included,” so I went to the store, and they were having sale:
Buy anchor screws, and they’ll give you a wax seal free.
No good deed goes unpunished.
You probably read about the comet that disintegrated 27 years ago, and whose remains were headed straight toward Earth, with an ETA of last night.
I have a ‘thing’ for meteor showers, and this one was supposed to be either the best one ever or a dud, and I needed to see it with my own eyes.
The clouds cleared out. The moon was new. The night was black. The air was warm, and a breeze blew. I set up chairs outside, bundled up, dished up a bowl of ice cream, and settled in to watch the stars.
There were a few flashes, but it was nothing to blog about. Kind of a dud, so far.
I was about to get a refill and try the other side of the house, when a blaze of glory split the sky. A thick, spitting yellow line glowed in the West for a good 2 seconds before it faded out, and if I’d known what to look for, I’d have grabbed a flash light.
It was the best meteor shower ever.