
Having moved the lathe, the rest was going to be easy. The very next day, Stu looked like this.






And day by day, more loads of stuff got moved.

Sunday: Pipes, hardwood, plywood, canoe, trellis






Monday: kalamazoo saw, shop drawers






firewood and tractor tiresTuesday: firewood and tractor tires.

There was some discussion about what to do with the firewood: Take it, or offer to sell it to the new owners. In the end, we sold the cut+split+stacked wood with the house, not least because the stacks leaned against the garage wall, and that stretch of wall had not had its siding replaced. I gave them a really sweet deal on it.

The un-split pile of logs, we decided to take with us. You want to know the original reason I built my gantry CNC router table? I’ve always wanted to digitize my ass and use CNC to carve a duplicate into an ash log. “Asses to Ashes”, if you will. And when Gary Koch gave me all those perfect ash logs, I knew there were no random events in the Universe. So I kept the pile of ash firewood, but the only way I know how to digitize my ass is to stick my finger in it.  Gotta work on that. 


2 more loads of firewood.

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